Early intervention is a term that refers to the provision of services and supports to young children who are experiencing developmental delays. It’s the same thing, but it’s for infants and toddlers who are eligible and who are falling behind on their developmental milestones. The early intervention school singapore aim to make education simpler for such children.
Children as young as birth up to those who are 3 years old can receive services in their homes or out in the community if early intervention is provided. Depending on which abilities are lagging behind, children and the families they live with may work with a variety of specialists.
What exactly does “early intervention” mean?
Early intervention refers to the process of identifying children and young people who are at risk of having negative outcomes and then providing them with effective early support at an earlier age.
Early intervention that is both effective and efficient works to either prevent problems from occurring or to confront them head-on when they do occur, in order to stop the problems from getting worse. It also helps to foster a whole set of personal strengths and skills that prepare a child for adult life and prepares the child for adulthood.
Early intervention can take many different forms, including home visiting programmes to assist parents who are vulnerable, school-based programmes to improve children’s social and emotional skills, and mentoring programmes for young people who are at risk of becoming involved in criminal activity. All of these early intervention strategies are intended to reduce the likelihood of a young person becoming involved in criminal activity. Even though there are some people who believe that early intervention may be most effective when it is provided during a child’s first few years of life, the evidence suggests that effective interventions can improve a child’s life chances at any point during childhood and adolescence.
Sets of skills are prioritised in early intervention programmes:
- Abilities of the body (reaching, crawling, walking, drawing, building)
- Cognitive skills (thinking, learning, solving problems)
- Abilities in communication (talking, listening, understanding others)
- Self-help or adaptive skills (eating, dressing)
- Competence in social or psychological matters (playing, interacting with others)
Early intervention is provided by all states; however, the manner in which it is provided varies from state to state. Children could be referred for an early intervention evaluation by a medical professional or an employee working in a daycare centre. In the event that a family has concerns, they may be able to make their own referrals in some states.